At Zen we keep track of Research and New Advances in Holistic Wellbeing, Sustainable Lifestyles, Sustainable Tourism Development. Zen Research and Book Manuscripts can be downloaded, e.g. Zen Yoga Book, Zen Cuisine Book, Zen Detox Book, Zenchi Booklet as well as Publications and bi-weekly LinkedIn and Facebook Posts by Zen Founder, Dr. Mahendra Shah who has had Five Decades on Sustainable Development and Holistic Wellbeing Professional Appointments around the World including, United Nations, World Bank and Scientific Policy Institutions.
For more information, please click Research files
1) ZenVision – Dr Shah, Berlin 2016
2) Overview
4) Ayurveda
5) Amaris Spa
6) Yoga
7) Yoga Book
8) Zenchi
9) Meditation
10) Pranayama
11) Zen Cuisine